The Beacon Scholarship Fund
Our mission is to help deserving scholars within the CMST community achieve their higher education goals despite any shortage of funds, and to further their career development through personal support and mentorship.
The Beacon Scholarship Fund provides a select number of Community Music Schools Toronto (CMST) students graduating each academic year with financial assistance to help complete their upcoming post-secondary education. The Fund is in its seventh year of operation and we currently have a cohort of sixteen CMST graduates or Scholars.
The purpose of the Beacon Scholarship Fund is to help CMST graduates attend university and complete their undergraduate degrees in their chosen field. Each successful candidate will be awarded financial aide that is renewable for a subsequent 3 years, contingent upon maintaining their GPA above a determined threshold. Additional financial support may be provided throughout the year on a as per need basis.
There is a Selection Panel that reviews all applications and chooses the most deserving applicants. Each application is assessed based on list of eligibility criteria. Successful applicants are required to submit a report at the end of each school semester (January and June) to the Scholarship Fund. The reports are to outline how funds are being used, how their studies are going and identify any additional assistance that may be required to help them be successful and complete their degree.
The Fund is in the process of setting up a mentorship program with the aim to further the scholar’s career development through personal support and mentorship. Mentors would provide ongoing career focused advice and personal support to help the scholars navigate important decisions while at, and beyond, university. Mentors would be working professionals in an industry related to their current studies or their career aspirations post university.
For more information about the Scholarship Fund and/or the upcoming mentorship program, please contact Miriam MacDonald at
The Beacon Scholarship Fund’s board of directors includes Alistair Maxwell, Andrew Williams, Miriam MacDonald and Victoria Maxwell.